Non-refereed Papers
Action Research and Arts-Based Research Special Issue Workshop with Kurt Classen, Glenda Black, and Rita Irwin. CSSE Virtual Conference, May 31, 2021.
Mentoring for Graduate Students and Early Career Academics in Higher Education panel. November 20th, 2020, via Zoom. Art Education Research Institute [virtual]. Moderators: Richard Siegesmund and Rita L. Irwin; Panelists: Daniel Barney, Nadine Kalin, Valerie Triggs, Brooke Hofsess, Jorge Lucerno, and Gloria Wilson with Jeff Broome as discussant and Rachel Fendler, organizer.
Art Education Across the Globe: Presidents Panel. InSEA World Congress, July 9-13, 2019. Vietgen, Peter, and many others, including Rita Irwin, representing WAAE.
New research from practising art teachers engaged in Graduate Studies at UBC. BCATA Conference, Vancouver, October 19-20, 2018. Co-presenters: Donal O'Donoghue, Rita Irwin, Sandrine Han, Karen Leung, Kirsen Taylor, Matthew Sinclair, & Angela Walsh Noble.
Talk about authoring: A conversation with the editors of art education’s leading journals. National Art Education Association Conference, March 21-24, 2018. Panelists: Stephen Carpenter, Rita L. Irwin, Heather McLeod, Karen Hutzel, Melanie Buffington, Amerlia Kraehe, Christopher Schulte, & Ryan Shin.
International Associations Panel: Leadership perceptions on arts education. InSEA World Congress, Daegu, Korea, August 7-11, 2017. Co-presenters: Rita Irwin, Teresa Tores de Eca, Peter A. Vietgen, Susan Coles, Booyun Lee, Hyungsook Kim, Hsin-Yi Chao, Yichien Cooper, Faith Benzer Allan Richards, & Steve Willis.
International Connections and Global Initiatives for Change: Possibilities for Participation in InSEA. NAEA Conference, March 1-4, 2017. Co-presenters: Karen Hutzel, Steve Willis, Marjorie Manifold, Fiona Blaikie, & Rita Irwin.
International Journal of Education Through Art: An Information Session. CSEA/BCATA Conference, Oct. 20-22, 2016, Victoria. Co-presenters: R. L. Irwin, A. Sinner, & J. Wicks.
Panel Discussion on Aesthetic Education at ‘Encounter, Authenticity and Aesthetics’ at Taipei National University of the Arts, Taipei, Taiwan, July 13, 2016. Co-panelists: Ann Kipling Brown and Rita Irwin.
International Journal of Education through Art, Journal Roundtables. Co-presenters: Nadine Kalin, Anita Sinner, Rita Irwin. AERA Roundtable, Washington, DC, April 7-12, 2016.
Across Borders and Cultures: The Role of Arts-based Research in Furthering Intercultural Dialogue. Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Conference, Vancouver, March 2016. Presenters: Baker, Kimberly, Smith, Blake & Nashon, Samson (I helped plan the session: Irwin, Rita).
Mentoring in British Columbia. BC School Superintendents Association Conference, Vancouver, BC, Nov 19-20. Co-presenters: Alison Davies, Devon Stokes, Glen Hansman, Dianne Turner, Ching-Chiu Lin.
Pedagogical Assemblage. Mentoring Summer Institute, July 2-4. Co-presenter: Ching-Chiu Lin.
CASWE Panel on Women in Leadership. CSSE Congress, Ottawa, May 30-June 3. Co-panelists: Starr, Lisa, and others.
Flaneurial Walking as Creative Practice and Research Methodology. American Educational Research Association Conference. Elsa Lenz Kothe, Yuha Jung, Marie-France Berard, Blake Smith. Rita Irwin as discussant. April 16-20.
Precious Moments: Performing A/r/tography (A performance prepared for “Artistry, performance and scholarly inquiry: Investigating the practice, theory, and place of performed research”), Melbourne, Australia. July 2-4, 2014. Co-presenters/performers: George Belliveau & Rita Irwin. Co-developers: Graham Lea and Janice Valdez.
Performance Forum: ‘The First Time’ by Michele Ludecke. (A performance prepared for “Artistry, performance and scholarly inquiry: Investigating the practice, theory, and place of performed research”), Melbourne, Australia. July 2-4, 2014. Critical respondent: Rita Irwin.
Plenary: Reflections on Performed Research. “Artistry, performance and scholarly inquiry: Investigating the practice, theory, and place of performed research,” Melbourne, Australia. July 2-4, 2014. Critical respondent: Rita Irwin
InSEA as a destination. Guest speaker at the Art Education C & P course, December 2, 2013. Learning in, through, and from the arts in education: InSEA, WAAE, and CIS countries. 2nd International Expert Meeting of Arts Educators, Minsk, Belarus, May 24-26.
Learning in, through, and from the arts in education. World Alliance for Arts Education, InRAE and ACENet Polylogue II, Wildbad Kreuth, Germany, May 13-17 (Pecha Kucha presentation).
World Alliance for Arts Education. World Alliance for Arts Education, InRAE and ACENet Polylogue II, Wildbad Kreuth, Germany, May 13-17. Panel presentation including Ralph Buck (WDA), Margaret Barrett (ISME), Patrice Baldwin (IDEA), & Rita Irwin (InSEA and WAAE Chair).
InSEA. National Art Education Association, Forth Worth Texas, March 2013. Co-panelists: Sanders, James, Irwin, Rita, Smith-Shank, Deborah & Manifold, Marjorie.
Art education in review. Guest speaker at the Art Education C & P course, September 25, 2012.
History of Art Education course guest speaker (Dr. Joni Acuff, instructor), University of North Texas (UNT), September 5, 2012.
Global Aesthetics course guest speaker (Mary Nangah, PhD student, instructor), UNT, Sept. 6, 2012.
Advanced Research Methods course guest speaker (Dr. Terry Barrett, instructor), UNT, Sept. 6, 2012.
Provocateur for A/r/tography panel illustrating case studies. A/r/tography conference, Taipei, April 28.
Online Journals, Promotion and Tenure. NAEA Conference, New York, March 1-4. Co-presenters: Irwin, Rita, Blaikie, Fiona, & Keifer Boyd, Karen.
Strengthening our Ties: Advocating for Arts Education and Arts Education Partnerships Regionally, Nationally and Internationally. NAEA Conference, New York, March 1-4. Co-presenter: Sanders, James, Blaikie, Fiona, Manifold, Marjorie, & Irwin, Rita L.
Celebrating Artist-Teachers: Graduate art education programs at the University of British Columbia. BCATA Conference, Vancouver, Feb 16-18. Presenters: Rita Irwin, Donal O’Donoghue, Sharon Fritz, and Kathleen Sulbuvik.
Introduction to a/r/tography. Guest Lecture. Secondary Art Principles of Teaching Class, September 27, 2011.
A/r/tography. (A 5-day series of lectures given at the University of Brasilia, January 2011)
World Alliance for Arts Education, World Summit 2009: Brief Report of Major Recommendations (poster session). Canadian National Symposium for Arts and Learning, Toronto, December 2-4
Cultural Sustainability in Refugee Camps. WAAE Summit, Newcastle, UK. October 31-November 3.
Partnering with UNESCO: Advocating for Arts Education Provincially, Nationally and Internationally. Canadian Society for Education through Art Conference, Vancouver, BC, October 22-24. Co-presenter: Fiona Blaikie.
Becoming Pedagogical: The Role of Play in an A/r/tographically Infused Teacher Education Program. Waldorf conference. San Diego, CA, April 10-11. Presenter: Gouzouasis, Peter. Other co-researchers: O Donoghue, Donal, Belliveau, George, & Leggo, Carl.
The City of Richgate: Research and creation into community-engaged arts practices. SSHRC Research/creation presentation at the Congress for the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences of Canada, Saskatoon, May 26-29. Co-researchers: Grauer, Kit, Beer, Ruth, Springgay, Stephanie & Gu, Xiong.
Transforming Public Space: A/r/tographic Inquiry as Public Pedagogy through the Arts. Refracting Pacific Canada, Vancouver, BC, March 15-18. Co-authors: Barbara Bickel, Valerie Triggs, Stephanie Springgay, Grauer, Kit, Beer, Ruth, & Gu, Xiong..
Research and Creation: The City of Richgate Project. Canadian Association of Fine Art Deans Conference, Oct 27-28. Emily Carr Institute of Art + Design + Media, Vancouver, BC. Presenter: Ruth Beer. Other Co-Researchers: Kit Grauer, Gu Xiong, Stephanie Springgay, & Barbara Bickel.
Research and Creation grants: Richgate Focus. June 9. Other co-presenters: Kit Grauer, Barbara Bickel, & Pauline Sameshima.
The City of Richgate: Research and Creation within Community-Engaged Art Practices. Research/creation SSHRC presentation at the Congress for the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences of Canada, Toronto, Ontario, May 25-30. Presenter: Irwin, Rita L. Co-researchers: Grauer, Kit, Beer, Ruth, Springgay, Stephanie, & Gu, Xiong.
Advocating the Arts in Teacher Education Programs. Canadian Society for the Study of Education Conference, Toronto, May 25-30. Other panelists: Joe Norris, Fern Snart, Bill Hunter, & Dennis Procter.
Arts Education, Interdisciplinarity, and Artful Inquiry: Learning through Challenges. American Educational Research Association Conference, April 6-11. Workshop presenters: Anita Sinner, Carl Leggo, Rita L. Irwin, Kit Grauer, Peter Gouzouasis, Helen Robertson, Julie Lymburner, Sean Wiebe, Michael Toth, & Pauline Sameshima.
Arts-related Methodologies: Mapping the Borderlands of Arts and Research. American Educational Research Association Conference, April 6-11. Other co-panelists: Ardra Cole, & Susan Finle.
* For information on earlier work, please see Rita Irwin’s full CV​.